Need a little more guidance? We've got you!

We recommend that you read through this entire guide at least once before the hackathon and then use it for reference if needed throughout the event!

Hackathon Hype πŸ†™: How are you feeling? Nervous? Excited? Both are expected and totally ok! You've done your part of showing up, so let us do our part in helping you make the most of HackViolet.

As a beginner, we encourage you to participate in HackViolet in the way you feel will be best for you. This could mean attending workshops, focusing on a hackathon project, meeting other hackers through Discord & fun activities, engaging with our company sponsors, or all of the above!

Feeling a little uncomfortable with your skills is a sign of learning, and continuous learning is what the tech industry thrives on! -Vanessa Hurst, Co-Founder of Girl Develop It

πŸ“ Preparing for the Hackathon

General Tips

<aside> πŸ“… Take a look at our schedule to see what events you want to attend. Remember: it's up to you how you want to spend your time during the hackathon. If you form a team, have a quick discussion about the events each person is interested in attending.


<aside> πŸ˜‡ Look out for our beginner-focused workshops: (1) Beginner’s Guide to Hackathons, (2) Intro to Data Science, (3) How to Build a Successful Resume and (4) How to Demo


<aside> πŸ† Browse our prize categories to fuel your imagination. We do not have an official theme for HackViolet 2022, so feel free to create whatever inspires you! Reminder: If you are a first-timer hacker and join a team of all first-time hackers, then you are eligible for our Best First Time Hack prize πŸ…


<aside> πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€πŸ’» Research technologies you may want to use based on your interests. Here, the internet is your friend!


<aside> πŸ›Έ Check out projects from other hackathons. Pro Tip: Search for past hackathons on Devpost and click on their project gallery to see their projects & winners! Here's TechTogether New York's project gallery page from 2020.


Discord - Let's Chat

<aside> πŸ’» What is Discord? Discord is a communications platform that can be used for voice calls, video calls, and instant messaging. For our Discord server, there will be different channels like #announcements, #ask-organizers and #hackers-chat.


The HackViolet Discord server will be your go-to source for all communication before and during the event. The more you engage in the Discord with mentors, organizers, sponsors and other hackers, the more we think you'll enjoy the event :)

If you're unfamiliar with Discord, try creating your own server and engaging in text and voice channels before the event. We think this guide is pretty helpful. Once you've gotten the hang of it, bring your new skills to the HackViolet server!